As a result of the systematic and model-based handling of the prominent development areas within the institution in the determined period; open / clear / transparent communication and total adoption and actions take place.

Groups of maximum 15 people come together under the management of ERA certified meeting leaders, every 15 days for 3 hours, for a total of eight times, in line with the subjects determined as development areas.

The sections of the PLAYGROUND Book, which includes fun and simple methods, are created for the model that should be used in practice for the next two weeks, related to the topic covered every week.

After each meeting held in ERA moderation, the team that attended the meeting moderates the same meeting with their sub-teams that week for 1.5 hours and joint activity plans are made. The efficient realization of the activity plans is followed by the team managers and reported to the ERA Project Leader and Forum Sponsors.

This model is carried out in the relevant two weeks, and in the first part of the next meeting, the team is evaluated first and the next topic is continued according to the findings.

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