“The real fear is not from the change itself..

It is from the gap that we experience when we let go off the trapeze we are holding, to catch the new one…

There is Nothing to Hold on to!”                                                          

Renee Claude Menard Cirque du Soleil

New Culture Behavioral Transformational Projects

4D Model

The current situation is assessed based on the ADKAR change model.

One-to-one interviews are conducted with top management to obtain their perspectives.

The current culture is analyzed with surveys, focus groups, and workshops.

A new culture strategy and roadmap are developed considering the program objectives.

A mini video is shared to arouse curiosity about the new culture, and a mini survey is sent to make employees think about needs and expectations.

In order to create strong awareness in the organization, a program launch event is held with wide attendance including senior management.

In order to define or internalize the new culture, workshops are conducted with methods such as Landswork, High Dream or World Cafe.

To perform team assessment and to determine team development areas, TDA (Team Diagnostic Assessment) is conducted and TDA team coaching is started.

Workshop results are reported.

Workshops are held to define new cultural values, and to determine manager and employee constitutions.

Workshops are held to define the behavioral indicators of the manager and employee constitutions.

Team results including TDA results are presented, action planning workshop is held.

In order to support the adoption and internalization of the new culture, cultural ambassadors and cultural coaches are identified and trained.

Culture project work teams are formed.

“Enlightening Forums” are held to launch and coordinate the identified culture projects.

Development plan is prepared for managers and employees according to the competencies needed for new behaviors. Training sessions are planned.

Management team actions are implemented through TDA Team Coaching.

Enlightening Forums are continued during project implementation.

Internalization and implementation of training topics are supported through development roundtables and coaching.

TDA team coaching is completed with final assessment.

Workshops are carried out with different methods such as Deep Democracy to assess new perception.

Continuity of the new culture is supported by activities such as theater club, sharing success stories / videos on intranet, competitions, selecting the best project.

The closing event of the cultural project, which is a celebration of the improvements, is held. Developments are presented.

Employee Loyalty & Corporate  Happiness Index Model

“At 1-0 Difference ”, Cultural Transformation Program, Insurance Sector”

“Strong Together”, Transformation Program, IT Sector

“We Are Developing & Being Develop Together, Leadership Development Program”, Automotive Sector

“GPTW Leadership Program”, Tire Sector

“Happy Employee Parliament Program”, Pharmacy Sector

“Hello to New Culture Program ”, Tourism Sector

“Better Together Program”, Finance Sector

“Together to Result, Central Operations Transformation Program”, Banking Sector

Active In Growth Program”, Insurance Sector

“Boomerang Program ”, Banking Sector 

“Happy Customer Program”, Banking Sector

Employee Engagement & Corporate Happiness Improvement Model  

Research shows that the importance of employee happiness and commitment is obvious, and it is one of the most important indicators to measure the health of an organization. We know that successful companies have made employee engagement improvement strategies one of their corporate goals. For our customers, we implement the employee productivity improvement program with the “Corporate Happiness Index Upgrade” model.