Targeted Competencies

Self awareness


Personal and work life balance

Take action

Continuous learning


The dilemma of our age and the demand of our age

How are my attitudes towards myself, my work and my home?

Regarding my work and social life, what are my strengths, unchangeables, obstacles and unshakable beliefs?

What are my strengths- things I cannot change- obstacles and unshakkable beliefs about my work and social life?

And if I did not have to ‘convince’ people…

In the difficult situations we face with in business

How can I get rid of the emotions and behaviors that wear us out with their habits?

How will I progress in business? What’s next?

And finally; The efforts of men and women to understand each other in business and social life and their working styles: Let’s have some fun…

In our training sessions, adult learning system supported training methodology is applied through case studies, personal exercises, group exercises, role playing, discussions, psychometric tests and games to ensure the highest retention in participants.


Static Analysis

Inventory studies

Pulse surveys

Dynamic Analysis

Interviews with senior management

Focus groups

Participant pre-work

Reading materials, mini videos

During Training

In our training sessions, adult learning methodology is applied through case studies, personal exercises, group exercises, role playing, discussions, psychometric tests and games in order to provide the highest learning in the participants.


Reading materials and videos are provided in order to support internalizing and applying the training subject.


  • Development Roundtables and Action Planning
  • Telephone Coaching – Turning Learning Into Action “TLA”
  • Shadow Coaching
  • One-on-one Follow-up Coaching

Development Roundtables and Action Planning:

Action Planning is the planning of actions to be made after training to make use of the training subject. This is done separately by each participant who implement the new behaviors.

About one month after training, the participant and the trainer get together again in a Development Roundtable session to review the successes and challenges during this month. This includes:

  • What was implemented, what was not implemented and why
  • Working on participants’ actual work cases
  • Feedback on action plans

Development of new action plans

Telephone Coaching – Turning Learning Into Action “TLA”:

Consists of three monthly half-hour telephone coaching sessions which support participants after training in three development areas. Each participant determines their own development areas and defines the corresponding action plans.

After the sessions are completed, the results are reported.

Shadow Coaching:

The coach accompanies the participant in the job environment, makes observations and provides feedback regarding especially development areas.

The participant is provided with increased awareness and is able to implement actions and reach goals more easily.

One-on-one Follow-up Coaching:

Consists of coaching sessions on development areas which are based on the participant’s actual work cases.

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